Older Driver Assessments | 50 Years Experience | LTrent Driving School

Older Driver Assessments

Here’s How You Can Keep Your Freedom

Trent Driving School’s aged assessors are available in your local area

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You may need to complete some form of assessment on a yearly or bi-yearly basis depending on your circumstance.

Medical Review (Yearly)Practical Driving Test (Bi-Yearly)
70-74 years old
75-79 years oldYes
80-84 years oldYes
85 and olderYesYes

Are you over 85 and would like to continue driving? Trent Driving School has accredited assessors that can help you.

Trent instructors will come to the most convenient place to you.

The aged assessment and lessons can be conducted in your own car at your request.

At the start of each aged assessment, the assessor will give you some time to warm-up before formally assessing you.

No RMS Assessments Required!

Do you have any questions?

Please feel free to call us on 02 8748 4500 for more information or to see if we have an older driver assessor available in your area.