Driving Education - Blog | LTrent

Is Driving Below the Speed Limit Illegal in NSW?

Is Driving Below the Speed Limit Illegal in NSW

As drivers, we are all familiar with the importance of adhering to speed limits for the safety of ourselves and others on the road. However, there may be confusion surrounding the legality of driving below the speed limit in NSW. In this blog post we will explore the topic of driving below the speed limit in NSW and provide clarity on whether it is considered illegal.


Can Learner Drivers Drive After 10 PM

Can Learner Drivers Drive After 10 PM | LTrent Driving School

If you’re a learner driver in NSW, you may be curious if you’re allowed to drive at any time of day or night. Are you restricted from driving at night during certain hours? Are these limits still in place when you get your provisional licence?

Let’s take a look at the details about the time of day during which you can drive – both with a learner permit and as a provisional licence holder.


First-Time Night Driving Tips For Learners

Safe Driving at night LTrent

Driving at night can be a daunting experience, especially for first-time drivers. The reduced visibility compared to daytime driving can make it challenging. LTrent Driving School understands the concerns and aims to provide you with helpful tips to ensure safe night driving.

7 Tips for First Time Night Drivers


What Topics are Covered in the Safer Drivers Course

What Topics are Covered in the Safer Drivers Course | LTrent Driving School Blog

Are you ready to become a safer driver? Whether you’re a new driver or have been behind the wheel for years, there’s always room for improvement when it comes to road safety. That’s why taking a Safer Drivers Course can be incredibly beneficial. But what exactly does this course cover? In this blog post, we’ll look at the topics covered in the Safer Drivers Course and how they can help you become a more confident and responsible driver.


What are Defensive Driving Skills?

What are Defensive Driving Skills? | Ltrent Driving School Blog Are you looking to stay safe on the road and reduce your chances of getting into a motor vehicle accident? If so, then defensive driving skills are essential for you to learn. Being a defensive driver is more than just following the road rules; it requires paying attention to your surroundings, anticipating problems, and responding quickly if needed.

In this article, we will teach you all about defensive driving skills and techniques. We will explain what defensive driving is, why it is essential, and provide tips on improving.


What Factors Affect Your Ability To Drive Safely

What Factors Affect Your Ability To Drive Safely | LTrent Blog

Driving safely is an essential skill that not everyone possesses. It requires a combination of knowledge, awareness, and experience. Many factors can affect your ability to drive safely, including physical and mental factors, drinking, driving experience, and sleep deprivation.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced driver behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, understanding these safety issues can significantly reduce the risk of accidents on the road.


How Does a Safety Driving Course Help You Reduce Risk

Safer driving courses equip learner drivers with the skills and knowledge to be safe on Australian roads. Upon completion, participants can identify and react quickly to common risks on the road by implementing safe driving practices.

From learning how to handle adverse climatic conditions to recognising and reacting to hazards faster, a safety driving course gives drivers everything they need to reduce the risk on the road. Here are some benefits of the NSW Safer Drivers Course.


How to Keep a Safe Distance When Driving

Keeping a safe distance | LTrent Blog As we hit the road, it’s essential to remember that being behind the wheel comes with a lot of responsibility. Whether cruising through town or heading down the highway, our attention to safety should be a top priority.

One aspect often overlooked while driving is maintaining a safe distance from other cars. This post will explore tips and tricks for keeping a comfortable and secure space between you and your fellow drivers.


How to Reduce Risk While Driving

How to Reduce Risk While Driving | LTrent BlogDriving can be a risky endeavour. From heavy traffic to bad weather, there are many potential dangers on the road. However, with the right attitude and preparation, you can reduce the risk of crashing and enjoy a safe journey every time you hit the road.

This article will cover critical tips for avoiding risk when driving. From developing your driving skills to getting familiar with road conditions and taking extra care in challenging weather, these tips can help you stay safe.


Overtaking Safely – Tips for NSW Drivers

Top Things To Consider When Overtaking | LTrent Driving School

You may need to overtake another vehicle if it is moving under the speed limit. When passing a car in front of you, you must keep other road users safe and follow all road rules. In this post, the team at LTrent Driving School will share some of the top things you need to be aware of when passing a vehicle.
