Laws About Driving With Loud Music | LTrent Driving School Blog

Laws About Driving With Loud Music

Laws About Driving With Loud Music | LTrent Driving School Blog

There are a lot of laws that can lead to a fine from a police officer while driving in NSW. Some are obvious and make sense, like citations for exceeding the speed limit, failing to properly display number plates, or parking on a footpath. Others are a little more obscure, including flashing lights to warn other drivers of speed cameras and even driving too slowly.

But can drivers receive a fine and demerit points if they listen to music too loudly? Are there Australian road rules about loud music while driving? Read on, and find out more.

Playing Loud Music While Driving Can Lead To A Large Fine In NSW And Queensland

If you’re playing your music too loud, you may end up paying a hefty fine if you’re pulled over by a police officer. Blasting loud music from your car is an offence in both NSW and Queensland. In NSW, you can be pulled over for contributing to “noise pollution,” and you risk a fine of up to $200. In Queensland, this fine is typically $175.

In most cases, a police officer will offer you a warning for playing your music too loudly while driving – the first time. But if you repeatedly play loud music from your car, you may end up paying a fine and receiving demerit points on your licence.

Beyond state and territory-wide restrictions about playing loud music while driving, local council officers may also have their own rules about noise pollution in their communities – which can lead to further fines and penalties if your music’s too loud.

Other Australian territories and states do not have specific fines and penalties for loud music – but playing your tunes too loud could still lead to citations for disturbing the peace, so keep the volume at a reasonable level to avoid fines and penalties.

The Dangers Of Playing Loud Music While Driving – Don’t Put Yourself At Risk!

Avoiding fines and penalties is not the only reason you should avoid playing loud music while driving. It’s also dangerous – here are a few reasons you should not blast loud music while you’re on the road.

Maintain awareness of your surroundings – Loud music means you can’t hear what’s going on around you. For example, you may not hear the screeching of the brakes of a driver ahead of you who is making an emergency stop – and you could rear-end them, causing an otherwise-preventable collision.

Prevent accidents related to distraction – Researchers at the Ear Institute of University College London have found that loud music can reduce reaction times, which is very dangerous for drivers, who may have to react quickly to unexpected situations on the road.

Avoid damage to your ears – Prolonged exposure to sounds above 85 decibels (about the volume of a vacuum cleaner) can cause damage to your eardrums and impair your hearing – permanently.

Keep Your Tunes At A Reasonable Volume To Avoid Breaking Laws & To Stay Safe!

We know it’s tempting to crank up the volume to your favourite songs, but try to keep it at a reasonable level to avoid fines and penalties, prevent damage to your ears, and stay safe on the road. Need more road safety tips as a learner driver? Ltrent Dirivng School provides driving lessons for people of all ages as well as the Safer Driver Course for learners. Contact us online or give us a call at (02) 8748 4500 to get the help you need.

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