November 2023 | LTrent

Driving With Trams On The Gold Coast

Driving With Trams On The Gold Coast

Driving in bustling urban areas like the Gold Coast comes with its unique challenges, particularly when sharing the road with trams. LTrent Driving School, with over 50 years of experience in driver education, offers comprehensive guidance to ensure young drivers are equipped to drive safely and confidently alongside these vital components of public transport systems.


What Are The Alcohol Limits For Driving In Queensland

What Are The Alcohol Limits For Driving In Queensland

With our 50-year mission to create the best drivers in Australia, LTrent understands that navigating the rules around drink driving can be confusing. In Queensland, understanding the alcohol limits for driving is crucial for every driver, whether you hold a provisional licence, an open licence, or are just starting out. Let’s dive into the key aspects of alcohol limits in Queensland.


What is PrepL in Queensland

What is PrepL in Queensland

Understanding PrepL is essential for new drivers in Queensland. This program, integral to the learner licence process, combines interactive learning with comprehensive road safety education.This blog will provide an overview of PrepL, detailing its necessity, costs, and the process of completing it. With our extensive experience in driver training, we’re here to support you through this important step in your driving journey.


What is the speed limit for learners in QLD

What is the speed limit for learners in QLD

Navigating the roads as a learner driver in Queensland (QLD) comes with a set of important rules and regulations. Understanding these guidelines is crucial for your safety and compliance with the law. This article will explore the speed limits and restrictions for learner drivers in QLD, offering insights from LTrent Driving School’s extensive experience in driver training.
